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Health, Education and Welfare - Public Health Service - Indian Health Service

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Departmental, 1945-1976


The text discusses a situation regarding the reduction of medical services at Antlers in Pushmataha county, Oklahoma. There were complaints about the decrease in services, but efforts were being made to address the issue and adjust services to meet the needs of the people. Chief Belvin and Dr. Robertson were working together to resolve the situation, and it was believed that everything would work out. Chief Belvin's wife had a heart attack, and well wishes were sent to her. The text also mentions communication between various individuals involved in the situation.


The text includes a letter from Honorable Carl Albert to Dr. Jack C. Robertson, expressing gratitude for providing a list of Indian Health Facilities in Oklahoma City. Dr. Robertson also sent a letter to Honorable Albert with a list of facilities in the Oklahoma City area by type and location. The list includes major DIH facilities and other DIH facilities in different service units. Some facilities are proposed and not yet in operation. The letters show collaboration and support for the Indian Health program in Oklahoma.


The State of Oklahoma has various Indian Sanitation Facilities Construction Projects planned for different counties and districts in the upcoming years. These projects include individual water and waste facilities for different communities. Additionally, there are specific projects planned for Pontotoc County and the Honobia Community of the Choctaw Nation, each requiring $75,000 for the construction of sanitation facilities for approximately 50 homes.


The text provides status reports on pending and completed water and sewage projects in various counties in Oklahoma, focusing on sanitation facilities for Indian communities. It also discusses the responsibility of the Division of Indian Health in providing necessary health services to individuals within the Indian Health program, including identifying alternate resources for assistance. The text highlights changes in policy in Oklahoma that have made medical services more accessible to Indian people.


The letter addresses lapses in communication regarding eligibility for health services for Native Americans. It clarifies that services are available to those of Indian descent and their non-Indian spouses, regardless of residency. Blood quantum is a factor for members of the Five Civilized Tribes. Income is no longer used to establish priority for services, and emergencies will always be prioritized. Only the Service Unit Director or their designee can deny services, and appeals can be made to the Indian Health Area Director. The letter urges cooperation in spreading this information and offers support for further discussion on the topic.


The Department of Health, Education and Welfare has approved a contract for drilling 30 water wells to serve Choctaw Indian families in Honobia District, LeFlore and Pushmataha counties. The contract is for $10,130 and is awarded to Jess Howard Powers Drilling Company. The message is sent as a Night Letter to various newspapers and radio stations.


The text is a series of letters between Honorable Carl Albert, Dr. Benjamin E. McBrayer, and Hugh Morgan regarding a report on the Indian Health Division's work in Oklahoma. Albert commends McBrayer and his staff for their work and expresses appreciation for the report. Morgan points out a small error in the report and thanks Albert for his kind words. Overall, the letters show appreciation and recognition for the work being done in the Indian Health Division.


The text is a letter from Honorable Carl Albert to Dr. E.S. Rabeau, commending him for scheduling meetings with various Indian groups in Oklahoma to improve health services. Albert expresses regret for not being able to attend the meetings and asks if his representative can attend. Rabeau's letter to Albert provides details of the scheduled meetings and invites Albert or his representative to participate. The purpose of the meetings is to obtain suggestions for improving health services and introduce the newly-appointed Indian Health Area Director, Dr. Jack Robertson. Rabeau also seeks Albert's input on the health program for Indians in the Oklahoma Area.


The U.S. Indian Health Service is requesting $2.5 million in next year's budget to build a new Indian hospital in Claremore. Planning for the new hospital is still ongoing, and a final cost estimate will be provided when the federal budget is prepared for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1968. Congress had appropriated $93,000 for planning the hospital last year, and there are efforts to secure funds for construction in the upcoming budget.


The text is a directory of Indian health installations in the Oklahoma City Area in August 1965. It includes information on Indian Health Area Director, PHS Indian Hospitals, Health Centers, Health Stations, and other related services such as clinical social workers and environmental health staff. Each entry includes the name of the facility, address, contact information, and the officer in charge. It also explains the services provided at each type of facility and the hours of operation.


This report on the Indian Health Program of the U.S. Public Health Service outlines the growth and progress of the program from 1955 to 1967. It highlights the increase in staff, facilities, services, and budget to meet the expanding health needs of American Indians and Alaska Natives. The report also discusses the construction of sanitation facilities, improvements in healthcare infrastructure, and the ongoing efforts to improve healthcare services for Indigenous communities.


The text is a letter from Dr. Jack C. Robertson to Honorable Carl Albert informing him of the establishment of clinics by the Division of Indian Health in Oklahoma. The clinics will begin accepting patients immediately and formal opening ceremonies will be arranged. Dates for when the clinics will begin seeing patients are listed, and it is mentioned that if more information is desired, they can reach out. The letter expresses gratitude for the information provided by Dr. Robertson and sends best wishes for the holiday season.


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Carl Albert Congressional Research and Studies Center | University of Oklahoma